Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Why to Sale Article to Top Ranked Website?

Many Blogger write great article but have confusion to where to sale article. The writer does not know. which.website is going to pay him more money This article of mine will.share you tips on where to Submit. your article and in which site to sale.

First thing the topic on which you. write (niche) if you.write on How to make food then the website related to food. will be the best to sale your article Before selling your article writer has to check the pagerank of a particular.
website This is important as higher ranked website will pay more money as they will have high traffic. coming from search engine and advertisement income will also be high

A website with low rank. is not in a position to pay you more instead they will pay you very less amount for the same article. as the number of visitor per day will be less compared to a top website So writer always sale your quality. article to top website and should come fall under you niche

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