Indian students I am suggesting you to write content by guest blogging to get Google ranking fast.As entire Group Indian students publish article in one single blog this increases the frequency of post and the online reader will get at least 1 article in one single day.
This will make your Indian audience happy to read and share articles thus your website will become famous in India in a week if you're profession writer.Students so do not write on your site as single create a Group of people from India who will join you to write on website and share the Earning according to your number of post published by the member.
Why you should form a guest Group to website
1 If you are not listening to my points then you require 1 to 2 years to get organic traffic
2 if you write alone chances are very high that other Indian blogger may copy your article and publish then in top rated website.
3 if you punish article as guest Group then your website is like forum then your own member students can comment on each other post this will make post lengthier and unique thus you will good impression for longer period of time.Indian students to earn from website fast you have to do keyword research and publish post using words and phrases that aren't indeed yet by Google search engine.Indian students this way guest Blogging will allow you to make money to share information to reader and get unique visitor to site.
Earn money fast with Group Blogging
Publish at least 5 unique articles on a one (niche) and in an effort to traffic coming by strategy for search engine, then to make cash contact some advertiser to place banner and Earn money from those banner to produce on website.
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