Wednesday, 6 January 2016

How to cut your photographs

Even the most beautiful photograph needs to be cut.
In this blogpost I will show you how you get the best results out of cutting.
This picture was a great one for me, I was so happy that I actually was all about to cry!
But after watching it for a certain time, I noticed that there was something which annoyed me.
Can you guess?
Right. Obviously, the bird must be focused and not the trees.

Ok, let's do it.
You see this white part in the corner, marked with 1. It doesn't belong there. Same with 2, 4 and 5. These points let the bird be unimportant, but that's definitely NOT the meaning.
Number 3 is just a cool addition, like, it's way more interesting, if the tree was 'coming' from the corner, don't you think?

Way better. I left some white parts to make sure that one can see where the sunlight comes from, and also, because it would have been way too much cutting. I also put the bird more to the left, it looks more intejresting. And see the tree coming out of the corner? Looks cooler.
What do you think? Which one do you think looks better?
I think this is an understandable example. Also, you can improve the meaning or change it entirely by giving the right cut to your pics.
The best example is this picture of soldiers in the war of Iraq. See how the meaning changes?

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