Sunday, 16 July 2017

Get fast traffic by index article at webmaster fetch

In this article you will get information about how to get search engine traffic from Google for new blogspot blog and I will also provide tips to index new publish article faster in Google search engine. For every new blog no matter how fresh article you write Google will take some time to index in its
search engine. To get traffic from Google search you have to submit article every week for first 1 month.

This is because Google will crawl new website in once in a month by doing submitting manually you will able to index your topic and its keyword to search engine so the internet searcher will find your

article easily. New blogger do not worry if your blog not getting traffic in first week as you write more article related to you niche you will be indexed fast by Google bots and thus high search engine rank for your keywords and its phrases.
Google only love fresh and unique article, if you have copied article make sure you re write in your own word and with your keywords. This will guide Google bots to index article faster.
I suggest writing one or two articles related to your niche once in a week and try to interlink your main article to get traffic and to have better search engine ranking for the old article as old article tend to loses traffic after a month. If you do not have any new topic to write then I suggest writing on your old article by changing the main keywords I mean replace the common words.

The title should be unique and should not contain old key phrase.Once you have written unique quality article then for new blogger I suggest to get back links from other website. You can backlink by posting comments on blogspot blog and leaving your article link after comments.
If you have any own old blog with good ranking then write something and give backlink to new blog article. You can also contact other blogger in your niche to give links from their article. Google search engine loves daily update of article so post anything about your niche and link your old articles.By ding so you will get more visitors and have lot of facebook shares and twitters shares along with Google plus shares.
Last but not least always share your new article to Social media as it will help Google to index your new blogspot blog faster.

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