Sunday, 2 July 2017


tips to take care laptop batteries

Nowadays, laptops have become a vital necessity for most people. Where its presence is urgently needed to support the work, school, or even to a means of entertainment such as games, movies and more. Practicality as well as its ability to the heavy tasks did make a laptop couldn’t be replaced with other devices.
The battery is the most important part of the laptop, if not there, like life without love. What happens when the battery of the laptop
already drop? Used only for 10 minutes then runs out, it is certain the incredible upset, moreover the work you're doing on your laptop is yet in store. Need to find the flow of electricity and cannot off casually. Laptop batteries are generally not long lasting, could certainly is becoming a serious problem for laptop users who travel a lot. Although it can be used for mobile, one of the weaknesses of the laptop is the battery power drop when it was used in a long period of time. Had many features and applications that run on the laptop of course requires a lot of power to the batteries quickly depleted. Battery not lasting, we already know that it is a problem that exists on a laptop.  
However, we can avoid these things if we do take care of laptop batteries properly. The pattern of use of a laptop being the main factors cause the battery drop and not durable. Therefore, to make your laptop battery is long lasting and durable, I will give you some tips to take care of laptop batteries with a good and proper way.
1.      For every new laptop, almost all of the battery's capacity in an empty. Although the electrical charge attached but the laptop has not been allowed to be directly used. Turn off the laptop first and do charge approximately for 4-8 hours, until the indicator light shows fully charged (usually the lights will turn into green)
2.      Be sure to configure your battery settings appropriately. Set the period of "Sleep" laptop in order to allow you to turn off the display and hard disk after a certain period of time when your laptop is not in use. Specify this period as brief as possible to maximize the age or the battery life.
3.      Turn off bluetooth and wifi when not needed. When you are watching movies or typing a document on the other hand you are not in need of an internet connection, immediately disable the wireless device. This will help conserve power, because the concept of bluetooth and wifi are send and receive signal even though you don't realize it and this will be a drain on resources. Even worse if these features are enabled in a place where there is no signal at all.
4.      Reduce the intensity of light at the time of usage takes place. Of course we know that the use of light is too bright can make the batteries quickly depleted because of the huge consumption power. To overcome this I recommend that you adjust the use of light with the purposes, the most important is do not be too bright.
5.      Avoid the use of batteries up to 0%. 0% battery usage can result in damage to the components of the laptop battery in the long term. Usually this occurs when users forget to charge the battery, resulting in a direct drop. Therefore, if there are already warning that the battery is the limit, you should immediately do the charging with the charger.
6.      Avoid removing the battery while it is in use. Many people still do discharge the battery when used with reason so that the batteries are durable and long lasting. It is certainly not true, because when the power goes out unexpectedly then the laptop will automatically die. This can cause damage to the hardware components, and even resulted in the error on the hardware.
7.      If you want to listen to music, it is better to use a headset rather than the speakers. Because of the small laptop speakers even though the music volume is already at the maximum, but the sound produced is not fully maximized to be heard by your ears. If volume is raised then the power consumption will also grow.
8.      Avoid positioning the battery near the water or direct exposure to sunlight. Water and heat can damage components on the battery, if exposed to it directly. We recommend that when you are using a laptop, keep a glass of water to avoid the risk of spilling the glasses to the laptop. In addition to the battery that is damaged, other hardware components on the laptop also suffered damage.
9.      The last is the use of a laptop is excessive. Laptops are not designed for heavy needs in such a long period for the needs of graphics, editing, or playing a game, so when we use a laptop for anything that requires a large resource such as the above, then it will cause the power consumption be high, fast and will cause the battery to become hot, the effect of the length also affects in terms of storage capacity of the battery itself.

All right, that's all the advice I can be brief about the 9 ways to care for your laptop battery so that lasting and durable, it looks simple, but in fact there are still many people who ignore it so happened that fatal damage. What happens to your laptop, your risk is entirely. I wish the best for you and hopefully this article helps you.

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