Wednesday, 13 April 2016

how to remove acne scars naturally and fast

       How to remove acne scars acne that had healed will leave the former black stain on acne. Furthermore acne scars besides the black will usually occur the former Red and hollow faces because acne is already healed. On this occasion will discuss about "how to naturally remove acne scars". Acne scars will surely make all of us aren't confident and minder. To treat acne and mark a disturbing face should you try a natural way pick acne scars.
      How to naturally Remove acne scars, from Dr. Susie Rendra, SpKK say if left untreated acne that in a sense is left alone until the acne heal by itself certainly can produce stains acne scars very easily visible. Don't try to squeeze acne due to danger of squeeze acne harmful to health our face because this will cause inflammation are getting worse. When skin sores are yg experiencing inflammation and further into the wound it will be hard to get rid of the former acne scars .
     Stain black acne scars can be treated easily using a cream with whitening herbal substances. "Get rid of acne scars with natural materials" for Red acne scars can use azelaic acid, red acne because it is very difficult to treat. In addition it could also do with laser therapy.
    The stain is a hollow or acne scars acne scar acne which is very difficult to mark removed. Several techniques how to overcome acne scars on the face with a quick and secure method to include laser therapy, peeling, and techniques to remove former blemishes with percutaneous collagen induction. Read also how to remove the black Flecks Freckle Face
Hello Friend wherever you are yuk we discuss natural ways that you can do create remove acne scars.

     1.Sandalwood. Yes, powdered sandalwood this could create a very effective close pores acne scars. The trick is sandalwood in this case in the form of powder we make into a paste and apply a powdered sandalwood paste while before sleep for a night. Rinse the next day. Do routinely every day will get blemishes of acne scars that are tightly closed.
    2. Rose water and Sandalwood Powder. How to use to get rid of acne scars is the Sandalwood powder brush that has wines fortified rose water and shaped like a paste or cream on acne scars pit stains. Use overnight and rinse off in the morning with cold water. Add milk if the way above makes your skin dry, but the way the application do not full, but last night just a few hours. Read also the 6 secret recipes 
    3. Ice cubes. Did you know, usually after the acne heal skin pores will then dilate, and solutions to cope with large pores is by way of wiping your face wipe-with ice cubes for 15 minutes only.
    4. Skin the tomatoes or Cucumbers. How to use it is by rubbing the inside of the skin of the fruit of cucumbers or tomatoes. Rub it slowly on your face for 15 minutes and then wash it with clean water. Benefits of tomato fruit to blemish acne scars besides shrink skin pores can also treat oily skin which is one of the causes of the incidence of acne.
"How to naturally remove acne scars" this practise you can try at home. Well hopefully with articles about acne with the title how to remove acne scars it can benefit us all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, recently i am using tea tree oil and maybe next i gonna try aloe vera or lemon. Do you have any info or guide about using aloe vera and lemon?

    Thank you very much.
